New CORPNET publications

The Corpnet group recently (co-)authored various publications:

Journal publications:

Pisani N; Garcia-Bernardo, J; Heemskerk, E M (2019): Does it pay to be a Multinational? A Large-Sample, Cross-National Replication Assessing the Multinationality-Performance Relationship. Strategic Management Journal, Early view. Link.

Babic, M; Garcia-Bernardo, J; Heemskerk, E M (2019): The rise of transnational state capital: state-led foreign investment in the 21st century. Review of International Political Economy. Link.

Babic, M. (2020): Let’s talk about the interregnum: Gramsci and the crisis of the Liberal World Order. International Affairs, forthcoming. Link to preprint version.


Babic, M. (2019): Why Globalization was Not the End of State Power. Global Policy Journal. Link.

Furthermore, you can find the theses of our BA and MA students of the academic year 2018-19 now under Publications.