New CORPNET publications

The Corpnet group recently (co-)authored various publications:

Journal publications:

Pisani N; Garcia-Bernardo, J; Heemskerk, E M (2019): Does it pay to be a Multinational? A Large-Sample, Cross-National Replication Assessing the Multinationality-Performance Relationship. Strategic Management Journal, Early view. Link.

Babic, M; Garcia-Bernardo, J; Heemskerk, E M (2019): The rise of transnational state capital: state-led foreign investment in the 21st century. Review of International Political Economy. Link.

Babic, M. (2020): Let’s talk about the interregnum: Gramsci and the crisis of the Liberal World Order. International Affairs, forthcoming. Link to preprint version.


Babic, M. (2019): Why Globalization was Not the End of State Power. Global Policy Journal. Link.

Furthermore, you can find the theses of our BA and MA students of the academic year 2018-19 now under Publications.

11. December: Talk from Herman Mark Schwartz – UPDATE

UPDATE: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we moved the talk to a new time and a new place:

Date: 11. December 2018

Location: Roeterseilandcampus, REC-C 0.02

Time: 16.00-18.00


We are very pleased to announce that Herman Mark Schwartz will visit Amsterdam and give a talk on Global Secular Stagnation at our University. Herman has worked on a broad set of issues in International Political Economy and is well-known to generations of Amsterdam Political Science students through his “authoritative introduction to the development and character of the global political economy” in States versus Markets.

Date: 11. December 2018

Location: Roeterseilandcampus, REC-M 1.01

Time: 14.00-16.00

Everyone is welcome to join, no registration needed.



Global Secular Stagnation: Keynes, Schumpeter, or Veblen?

What explains slow growth in the global economy? The usual explanations point to demographic factors, technological stagnation, income inequality, or the 2008 crisis. Yet the first two of these variables are largely invariant, in that they have been present since the 1990s. The last factor can’t explain the relative slowdown in growth rates starting in the 1990s, only the starker decline post-2008. The third factor is incomplete. All four are somewhat incommensurable. This article returns to three early theorists of growth: Keynes for demand-side arguments, Schumpeter for supply-side arguments, and Veblen for industrial organization and business behavior arguments. Doing so provides a more supple unification of the usual explanations at a theoretical level while at the same time pointing towards a set of concrete institutional and political structures and behaviors that hinder growth. In turn this identification suggests more focused policy interventions to increase growth rates. A Veblenian approach points to the importance of firms’ strategy and structure as the main inhibitor of more robust growth.

Symposium on Economic Power in Times of Globalization

On December 10th, Corpnet will host a second ISRF-funded symposium on the evolution of economic power in the age of globalization. Corpnet-Postdoc Jan Fichtner invited a range of scholars to present and discuss their work on the topic with us during this one-day event. If you are interested, you are cordially invited to join one or more of the talks, no registration needed. The program can be found here.

Radio Interview on state and corporate power

Corpnet member Milan Babic gave an interview in Amanda Vanstone’s Counterpoint program on Australian National Radio ABC. The full interview can be found here, where you can download the audio file.


Who holds the most power in international politics? The state or corporations? A new report argues that after decades of globalisation state power is back in charge. However, multinationals wield phenomenal power. They sell their products all over the world, they have huge supply chains and arguably mould politics to their own interests. Milan Babic is one of the co-authors of that report and he says that ‘international relations has become a giant three -dimensional chess game with states and corporations as intertwined actors’.